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JA Finance Park from November to May

As we launch JA Financial Park this coming November 2024, we need VOLUNTEERS! 

JA Finance Park®  exists to inspire and prepare youth to succeed. Today more than ever, young adults need a strong foundation for making intelligent, lifelong, personal financial decisions. JA Finance Park is Junior Achievement’s experiential learning program for personal financial planning and career exploration. This program, comprising of a curriculum and a simulation, helps students build a foundation on which they can make intelligent financial decisions that last a lifetime. This includes decisions related to income, expenses, savings, and credit. The topics and concepts track closely with national and state financial literacy standards and are intended to prompt students to begin thinking about, and planning for their financial future. 

Volunteers play a key role in the 4.5 hour JA Finance Park Simulation experience. Students are presented with a simulated life scenario, which includes a net monthly income, occupation, family situation, and debt. Students then rotate through various category storefronts, guided by volunteers in making financial choices. 

JA materials, day-of training, and talking points are provided for volunteers. Volunteers bring their own experience to the program, sharing real world context and expertise. Students use what they learn to make their own budgeting and spending decisions. JA Finance Park provides an environment for students to learn from decisions, allowing for a realistic perspective on money management and financial responsibility.  


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